Mining Directorate
Add to plannerThe eastern side of T. G. Masaryk Square is closed by one of the proudest buildings in the city.
Municipal Police Příbram, T. G. Masaryka Square 121 261 01 Příbram I
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us. T. G. Masaryk
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It is a two-storey administrative building, in plaster, barefoot, with a beautifully decorated cast-iron railing on the balcony above the entrance portal, built in 1844-47 in the Empire style for the Chief Mining Office, the Mining Office and the Mining Court (only later renamed the so-called Mining Directorate, the Mining Court was abolished).
On 19 April 1847, the ceremonial consecration of the building took place, performed by Josef Vlček, the district vicar of Příbram and parish priest of Jinec, in the presence of the mining officials, the officials of the Zbiroh estate and the magistrate. A balcony and an inscription with gilded porcelain letters C were placed on the front of the building. K. BERGOBERAMT UND DISTRICTUAL BERGGERICHT, a shield with the Roman year 1847 and a gilded emblem - an eagle. However, the erroneous year MDCCCXXXXVI - 1846 is now placed on the attic of the building.
In the past, the Mining Directorate House has witnessed many magnificent mining parades, in 1889 the Archduke Franz Ferdinand d'Este, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, stayed here during his visit to Příbram during military manoeuvres, in October 1918 the town representatives solemnly proclaimed the Czechoslovak Republic from the balcony of the building and in May 1945 they welcomed the Allied soldiers who participated in the liberation of our country from Nazism.
On 7 March 1946, the Ministry of Industry issued a deed of incorporation for the Příbram Ore Mines, n.p. Příbram (formerly the State Silver and Lead Mines in Příbram), maturing on 1 January 1946. On 14 August 1947, they were renamed Rudné a tuhové doly, n. p., Příbram. All Czech and Moravian deposits of non-ferrous metal ores, including graphite from 1947, were under the administration of this entity. In 1949, the deposits were divided among several newly established smaller companies. Středočeské rudné doly, n.p., remained in Příbram and managed both deposits in the Březohorské district, as well as other ore deposits in the Příbram region and partly in other parts of Bohemia. From 1 April 1958, Ore Mines, n.p. Příbram was established by merging all the sub-companies in Bohemia.
Between 1961 and 1989, several modifications were carried out in the Mining Directorate building, for example, the rooms were partitioned with sololite boards. The sunny rooms of the former apartment of the head of the mining authority housed the geological and surveying department. In the 1980s, the offices of the Director of RD were expensively renovated.
Since 2001, the building has housed the Uranium Deposits Administration, o. z., DIAMO, s. p. In 2006, the town of Příbram acquired this immovable cultural monument. In 2008, the ground floor premises were adapted for the needs of the Příbram Municipal Police. In 2010, the rooms on the first floor were extensively reconstructed into a new meeting hall of the town office.