Chekhov´s barn in Bukova

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Čechova stodola is a year-round nature trail of old tales and traditions in Bukova u Příbrammi (northwest of Příbram).


Opening hours

July - August daily including Monday - 10:00 - 17:00 September - June Monday - Friday - 10:00 - 16:00




single 80 CZK/person (possibility to buy work in workshops 20 CZK) children under 2 years FREE groups 100 CZK, with a guide 120 CZK


Čechova stodola 262 23 Buková u Příbramě 129
724 236 884

Four thematic exhibitions are on display in the Čech Barn throughout the year. The longest period of time is occupied by the Old Bohemian Legends, during Advent and Christmas time there is the Christmas Barn, during January and February the Mardi Gras Barn and in spring time the Easter Barn with Traditions:

Old Czech Tales (May - October)

This is an exhibition of Old Bohemian Tales, which is accompanied by the mythical Princess Libuše or the Grandfather of Bohemia in an educational but also entertaining way.This narrative exhibition is depicted in large paintings and mannequins. During the tour, the guide tells about each legend and asks questions. The first to answer correctly receives a prize from him. During the tour, visitors can play the earth people and also the metal diggers. They can exchange or keep the treasure they have unearthed.

In the second half of September and October, we combine the exhibition of Old Tales with the Pumpkin Picking event. A spooky trail of courage full of boogeymen, scarecrows, spiders, etc. is prepared for children. The children have to overcome their fears and free the fairy creatures through various tasks.

Easter barn and spring traditions (March - April)

This is a guided exhibition of spring traditions and Easter customs, where you will again learn about various spring traditions such as Easter customs, witch burning, maypole building, etc. in a playful way.

Christmas Barn (November - December)

Visitors will be guided through a Christmas exhibition full of paintings and mannequins by an angel, welcomed by live devils in hell and find themselves in heaven through the gates of heaven. The tour is combined with St. Nicholas' gift and ends with a tour of Old Bohemian Christmas and nativity scenes with a talk about Christmas traditions and customs.

Carnival Barn (January - February)

The exhibition deals with carnival traditions, carnival processions and the tradition of real home-made slaughterhouses. You will be guided through the exhibition by the butcher Krkovička.